onsdag 22. september 2010


The analysis of the text ”Butterflies” is a good analysis because it is structured, it contains a short summary (plot, setting) , interpretation, a description of what the conflict is, some information about the characters, the point of view, and finally, the analyst’s personal opinion. As I see it, this analysis contains all the important elements of a good analysis. When I first read the text “Butterflies” I didn’t really understand it, but after I had read the analysis, everything about the text became clear.

From this analysis I can learn how a good analysis should be, and that I probably would have to read some texts several times before I understand the whole meaning of it.

Linking words
In spite of
In addition to
For instance
Because of
Due to the fact

My favourite TV series
When I want to chill out, I like to watch TV. There are many different TV series that I like to watch. For instance: One Tree hill, Hotel Cæsar and Desperate Housewives. In addition to those series, I like to watch reality shows, namely X-factor, Farmen, Paradise Hotel etc.
Paradise Hotel is quite ridiculous, however, I have to watch it, due to the fact that it is fun to watch people making fools out of themselves.

torsdag 16. september 2010

English language in my every-day life

Whether we are aware of it or not, the English language affects us a lot. At least it affects me a lot. Every day I listen to music with English lyrics, I watch TV series where they speak English and often I read English texts too. I’m often using English words and expressions in my colloquial. This is partially because of the fact that the Norwegian language has borrowed several words from the English language and partially because English words make my language a bit more resilient. Additionally, when I am chatting with somebody on for instance Facebook, I use a lot of English abbreviations, such as BRB (be right back), OMG (Oh my God) etc.

A little bit about me

My name is Karoline Liseth Torres and I am 16 years old. I was born on the 12th of February 1994, the same day as the opening ceremony of The Olympic Games at Lillehammer. I’m a student at Thora Storm, section Adolf Øien. In my spare time I like to play football and spend time with my friends. My football team is called Nardo, and I have been a member of Nardo Football club since I was 7 years old.
My family includes my mum, my father, my younger brother Mathias and my cat Melis.

Mind Maps

Strategies to learning English

Why we need to learn English